Very tragic.
No one in their right mind should ever consider getting reinstated, UNLESS they are going back in to the Matrix to save someone and help break them free. A noble cause and a tremendous sacrifice of time.
The Oracle
does anyone here have a copy of the book a guide to reinstatement by anthony crispin?
if so, can you share?
marvin shilmer.
Very tragic.
No one in their right mind should ever consider getting reinstated, UNLESS they are going back in to the Matrix to save someone and help break them free. A noble cause and a tremendous sacrifice of time.
The Oracle
Great cartoon. Hilarious !
Thanks for sharing.
as some of you know, i am employed as master of whisky for seattle (pac nw).
i represent diageo n america's whisk(e)y portfolio.. this includes: johnnie walker, the classic malts of scotland, bushmills irish whiskey, crown royal, bulleit bourbon and rye whiskey, george dickel tennessee whisky, and bucchanan's blended scotch whisky.. my job basically involves speaking publicly about the whiskies, hosting and presenting whisk(e)y tastings and dinners, and educating bar & restaurant staff about whisk(e)y. tough gig, i know.. my mow bio & pic can be found on crown royal's website here:
i was thinking about putting a featured whisky of the week up here every friday.
Low-key Lysmith,
It never ceases to amaze me how many people are on this board and how many I have never seen post before even though they have been on for years and have made hundreds if not thousands of posts. You are one of those guys, and as a lover of whiskey I'm glad to have met you!
Ill be watching for your posts in the future.
I thoroughly enjoy a good single malt scotch. Ive tried them all and dont really have a favorite. They are all good in their own way. I love the variety and character or each. Canadian whiskey is also nice.
The Oracle
these are the exact words from the mouth of a 7 year old boy to his father , namely me (the father).
yes i am a non believer but also very concerned that his mother, an active & obsessed jw is filling his mind with this sort of thing.
alarm bells are ringing in my head because last night was not the first time he said it.
Disgusting to say the least!
Time to kick in to gear and fix this problem!
Good luck to you. I wouldn't delay your efforts.
The Oracle
is it possible to criticize wt concerning questions of consience for a witness?
for instant concerning education?
love healthworker.
Hey Greybeard,
Great website! Is that your creation?
The Oracle
the entire time i was gone it was nagging at me.
i hadn't been previously baptized, so leaving wasn't that big a deal.
now i'm back in the swing of it, going to all meetings and field service.
Who is OP?
the title of this thread is like one of those bumper stickers, "if you can read this, you are too close".
it's true: if you are reading this, you accepted certain assumptions in the past, or need to do so.. the jws deliver a well-honed message that is targeted to individuals who's prior experiences and psyche makes them pre-disposed to accept their version of reality; attending meetings is really just a way for individuals to correct their thinking so as to be more in accord with the beliefs of the group.
btw, the process of aligning one's thinking to a group is not inherent evil, eg doctors attend continuing education courses so they can stay abreast with their colleagues in new findings of research, thus enabling them to deliver the best possible care to their patients, not practicing using turn-of-the-century ideas (blood-sucking leeches, etc).. however, when it comes to religion and faith, accepting assumptions into one's world view without critically-analysis leads one to a conclusion that may be flawed.
Nope. I was born in.
Once I decided to leave I needed to do some serious deprogramming on myself.
It took a while to shake free of all the strange teachings and the warped sense of morality, but I've recently declared myself clean and ready for active participation in the real world.
is this the perfect time to tell family that are still in that you are so upset/devastated/embarassed over the candace conti revelations and trial and what happened to her as a 9 year old witness that you need to step away from field service and the meetings and do a lot of private praying.
you've been stumbled badly and don't know what to think at this time.
It is a great catalyst that is being used by many to either go inactive or begin the fade.
It's an "honorable" way to take a step back even in the minds of many cult members. I just love the uncomfortable message it sends to the congregation.
How can you really blame someone for listening to their god given conscience.
If you a current JW, give this approach a try.
The Oracle
i wanted to consolidate a lot of the information about the attack of anonymous against the watchtower society.
if you disagree with the tactics of anonymous, that's fine.
this information may still be useful as the public is made more aware of the the dangerous policies of the watchtower society.
I would second that train of thought, Mr. flipper.
where's the damn "little yellow smiley face guy eating popcorn emoticon"?.
There was a really weird person who used to post a lot about Harold Camping, and end of the world prophecies and mathematical calculations.
I am too lazy to look up his name but I am pretty sure it was something like OBVES.
He believed about 80% of what the JWs taught but he put his own wacky spin on things and ended up coming across as a real grade A jackass.
I would rather not meet that kind of poster.
The Oracle